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The Antenatal Masterclass

When: Saturdays from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Special Offer: £99

This is a full-day live class where you will learn everything from stages of labour to post-birth and breastfeeding. Throughout the day you will have the ability to ask our expert midwives any question you would like in our live chat. 

The Antenatal Masterclass is ideal for first-time pregnant women due in the next 2 to 6 months. Attendees will receive a recording of the class so that you can re-watch it afterwards as part of the Masterclass Package. Both the mother and partner are encouraged to watch together.

The best part is, you don’t need to have a microphone or camera on to enjoy the class and interact with our expert midwives. You can just sit back and relax while you attend from the comfort of your own home. 

Special Offer: £99    (Limited Time Only!)

When: Hosted on Saturdays from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

The Masterclass Modules

  • Essentials You Need for Your Baby
  • Bathing Your Baby
  • Your Baby’s Skin Care
  • Nappy Changing
  • Cord Care
  • Dressing Baby
  • Safe Sleep Guidelines
  • Temperature Control Guidelines
  • Newborn Bloodspot Screening
  • Signs of labour
  • Changes to expect in your body
  • The 3 different stages of labour
  • When to come to the hospital
  • Positions for labour
  • Pain relief options
  • Birth plan and birthing preferences
  • What to pack for labour bag
  • The mechanism of giving birth
  • Birth of your baby
  • Birth of placenta
  • Birthing positions
  • Assisted birth
  • Instrumental birth
  • Caesarean section
  • The induction of labour
  • Post-birth: what happens to you and your baby
  • Skin to skin
  • Delayed cord clamping
  • Different feeding options
  • Breastfeeding
  • Expressing breastmilk
  • Formula feeding
  • Feeding cues and signs
  • Different feeding positions
  • Winding baby
  • Sterilising
  • Vitamin D
  • Baby blues and postnatal depression
  • Going home from the hospital
  • Checklist for mum and baby before leaving the hospital
  • Car seat safety
  • How to strap baby into the car seat correctly
  • What to do if your baby seems unwell
  • Seeking medical assistance
  • Infant CPR

Additional Info on The Masterclass

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